Croeso i Ysgol Carreghofa
Welcome to Carreghofa C.P. School
Ysgol Carreghofa Primary School is a village school on the outskirts of Llanymynech which is situated on the border between Wales and England.
Our school currently has 102 pupils 4-11 with Owlets Preschool for 3-4 years.
Children can start school the term that they are four where they will enter the reception class.
We are extremely proud of our school and strive for everyone to be:
"Happy together, reaching high!"
Our shared vision is to nurture valued, empathetic and motivated children to achieve and shine as part of Llanymynech community, where inclusion and equality is our central goal. Children will thrive in an enthusiastic, safe and happy environment where excellent behaviour, social manners and personal achievements are paramount. We will work to ensure that all our children engage positively in their learning and have a creative, confident mindset. We will facilitate a child centred learning experience that supports every child to reach their potential.
Our values:

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Download Our School Prospectus
Click below to access our school prospectus. If you would like anymore information, please contact us.
Estyn Inspection Report
The School was last inspected in March 2019, click the link below to read the report.